This is my 5th semester and I can not believe I have been here for almost 2 years. So many things have changed but I still love it here so I am happy.
This semester I moved into a new apartment complex called Mountain Lofts. It is so nice to have a two floor apartment, it feels so homey! I live with seven other girls, that's right SEVEN. One of which is my boyfriend, Tanner Holmes', sister Emily and his cousin Jodi. Some may say that is weird but I LOVE THEM along with all my other wonderful roommates.
This is my first semester not taking any foundations courses (thank goodness.) I am finally in my major taking all Communication classes. I absolutely love my classes especially my Visual Media class even though it is challenging.
I am also working on campus at the Online Support Center which is basically the online Help Desk at BYU-Idaho. I enjoy it (most of the time) especially since I work with 3 of the roommates and a few of my friends. Rumor has it we're taking over the office.
Fall in Rexburg is the best. There are haunted houses, straw mazes, and pumpkin patches. And this weekend a few of us hit up J A C K S O N H O L E.
It was a blast! We ended up being able to go Jackson Lake, Jenny Lake and Yellowstone.
I have never been in a more beautiful place. It was a great escape from Rexburg but now it's back to reality.
More on my <overwhelmingly interesting> life next time.
<the cutest roomie>
<randomly fun night>
<drive in with tanny and friends>
<straw maze>
<we all live together>
<i swear this is real>
<nothing better>
<from the beginning>
<best friends>