Friday, December 26

Last Weeks in the Wild West

Well that's it! Fall semester 2014 is  OVER.

What a wonderful semester it was! My first full semester with a job, in a new apartment, with new roommates!
I am very sad it is all over but SO happy to be home! This is my 3rd winter home from school on my off track. I never thought I would still come home for winter but I am grateful I can come home one last time before I am married!

Having to say bye to my roommates and especially my fiance was very hard but I had a great semester with them!
The week before we all left for the semester happened to fall on Tanner's 23rd birthday! I was so excited to celebrate this with him before we were apart!

I woke him up on his birthday with cinnamon rolls and decorations! Then do to finals week and on-campus jobs, we were separated until dinner time. I gave Tanner all his presents and then we went to Chili's! He thought this was it but we then drove to the skating rink. He had no idea but all of our friends were inside ready to surprise Tanner! They had ballons, cake, birthday hats and noise makers!

He was so surprised and it was the B E S T.
We spent the night skating, eating cake, singing and celebrating our Tanner Holmes. I love him so and I am so glad he was born 23 years ago!

The next couple days were a blur of packing and cleaning. We still found time to push the couches together and reminisce about our last semester all together and single! It will never be like this again but I am so happy to have these wonderful people around.

Saying goodbye to Tanner was somehow harder then I thought. I picked him up from work on Friday at 5pm and he had to leave within the hour. We had Taco Bell, cried and packed up his car. Depressing right? We had some extra time so we drove up past the Rexburg Temple where we spent a lot of time. We slow danced in the snow, outside the car for a while before Tanner had to head to Utah.
I am so sad to be without him but the next time we will be together, it will be FOREVER.

Now on to planning for the double wedding and wishing I was with Tanner!

<<last day of class until May>>

<<the best friends there ever was>>

<<happy birthday tanny>>
<<nathaniel totes graduated>>

Tuesday, November 4

Engaged to Tanner Holmes!

I can not believe it happened yesterday! I <<CANNOT>> believe we are finally engaged! I love Tanner so much that it seems too good to be true!

So Wednesday was uneventful. I had work, and usual and the start of a cold.
Tanner had work until 5pm and I had a school meeting at 6pm so we were going to meet up to hang out for an hour.
He picked me up wearing my favorite shirt of his, the pineapple shirt. He also said he had a gift for me but he wanted me to open it at the dunes.

What?! Tanner, come on I have a meeting in 45 minutes we are not going to make it back in time!
I thought he was not thinking straight, that he had not planned ahead.

We got to the dunes and he made us walk to our spot where so many other things had happened.

The dunes is where we held hands for the first time.
Where we kissed for the first time.
And where we decided to be boyfriend and girlfriend.

We get to the spot and I still <<CLUELESS>> and not gonna lie, mad.
I had sand in my shoes, I was cold because I wasn't prepared for this, and I was late for my meeting.

We stood in our spot and he gave me a book he made on shutterfly of our first year together.
I was blown away at this sweet book!
But I was still being a brat, asking if we can leave so I can make it to my meeting. He said no, that we were not done yet.
At this point I still was so clueless and more confused then ever.

Then Tanner made eye contact with me and started to get down on his knee. He pulled out a sign from beneath the sand of the dunes that said "Will You Marry Me Chan? -Tan"
I freaked.

I had <<NO>> idea this was going to happen today! Tanner told me the day before that he had not even talked to the jeweler yet. But apparently he had the ring the <<ENTIRE>> semester.

Anyways. He said "I don't really know what to say so Will You Marry Me Chandler Titus?"

I do not remember saying yes (I hope I said yes!) it was such a blur! I was soooooo surprised.
He then put the ring on my finger and we were engaged.

Tanner's friend from home Hanna Christian and her husband Sam appeared from the bushes taking pictures and videos. Hanna has a photography business, Blush Creative, that is amazing. She is so talented.

We walked back to the street while videos of us were still being taken. Still shocked, a truck full of my best friends drives up with fireworks shooting out of the back! Apparently everyone knew he was going to propose this random Wednesday afternoon and had planned on coming at the end of the proposal.
We all hugged and lit off fireworks in the street.

Most of them had been there from the very beginning of our relationship so it was special for them to be there.
After shooting off fireworks, hugging and showing off the ring, we went back to my apartment to have a little celebration.

The <<SHOCK>> still has not wore off, I don't know when it will. But I love my ring. I love his proposal.
And I love my boyfriend turned fiance.

<<so surprised>>

<<we were pretty ecstatic>>

<<our bffs>>

<<finally sisters>>

<<B L I S S>>

Watch our video Hanna Christian made for us of our engagement!

Sunday, October 19


So it's the start of a new semester and I am happier than ever about it!
This is my 5th semester and I can not believe I have been here for almost 2 years. So many things have changed but I still love it here so I am happy.

This semester I moved into a new apartment complex called Mountain Lofts. It is so nice to have a two floor apartment, it feels so homey! I live with seven other girls, that's right SEVEN. One of which is my boyfriend, Tanner Holmes', sister Emily and his cousin Jodi. Some may say that is weird but I LOVE THEM along with all my other wonderful roommates.

This is my first semester not taking any foundations courses (thank goodness.) I am finally in my major taking all Communication classes. I absolutely love my classes especially my Visual Media class even though it is challenging.
I am also working on campus at the Online Support Center which is basically the online Help Desk at BYU-Idaho. I enjoy it (most of the time) especially since I work with 3 of the roommates and a few of my friends. Rumor has it we're taking over the office.

Fall in Rexburg is the best. There are haunted houses, straw mazes, and pumpkin patches. And this weekend a few of us hit up J A C K S O N  H O L E.
It was a blast! We ended up being able to go Jackson Lake, Jenny Lake and Yellowstone.

I have never been in a more beautiful place. It was a great escape from Rexburg but now it's back to reality.

More on my <overwhelmingly interesting> life next time.
<the cutest roomie>
<randomly fun night>
<drive in with tanny and friends>
<straw maze>
<we all live together>
<i swear this is real>

<nothing better>

<from the beginning>

<best friends>

Thursday, August 14

Tan + Chan

When I tell people I am dating someone they always ask how we met.
I have told the story a hundred times. But I fall more in love with Tanner every time. 

This is our story of how we became Tan & Chan.

-Spring 2013- was when I met Tanner Holmes. 
One day in the library on campus I started chatting with this stylish girl named McCall. We exchanged numbers and promised to hang out soon. A few weeks later she asked if I wanted to be set up on a blind date with her friend, Tanner. I was freaked out having never done this before but agreed to the date.

A few days before the date, I ran into her again in the library while she was sitting with Tanner. I came over and awkwardly shook Tanner's hand and introduced myself. 

Tanner was HILARIOUS right from the beginning telling stories from his mission and childhood. 
For the blind date 6 of us went paddle boarding in a lake in Rexburg.


I was terrified that I would drown or worse embarrass myself. But the church is true because I did not fall in once! We had a great time talking about our families and how I ran over Hannah with a car.
(He loved that story.)
After the date I assumed I would never see this Tanner fellow again. It was the end of the semester and it seemed like he wanted to just be friends.

-Fall 2013- started with an awkward side hug at I-Night and the rest was history!
Tanner & I started hanging out from day one with all our roommates and friends combined.

A couple weeks into school Tanner & I became best friends, peeling off from the group. Soon people questioned the nature of our relationship. The had every reason to question it, we were practically dating!
On October 28th after hanging out in the MC all day Tanner called me on my way home and asked me out!
I came home, threw myself on the carpet face down and screamed to my roommates. They excitedly sang love songs and jumped around the room, knowing how much I liked Tanner. 

I have never been more //nervous// in my entire life but also never more //excited.//

On November 1st we ventured on our "first" official date which ended up being 10 hours long! 

On November 14th (the third date) We kissed for the first time at the dunes and soon after Tanner asked me to be his girlfriend! We continued to date the rest of November and December until the end of the semester. 

I am on the Fall/Spring track at B Y U- Idaho so I go home from January---April. So long-distance was the name of the game for Tanner & I. 
After skype dates and phone calls everyday for 4 LOOONNNGG months we were reunited Spring semester.

It has been months of bliss with my Tanner Holmes and I am looking forward to many, many more. 


Sunday, April 6


Free Chick-Fil-A for a year? YEAH THAT HAPPENED.

So whenever a new Chick-Fil-A opens the first 100 people there at 6am the day before have the opportunity to win free chick-fil-a for a year if they stay until 6am the next day. My brothers had done this in Provo so they suggested we go to the grand opening in Spartanburg, South Carolina!

So the rules are that you have to be there at 5:30am on Wednesday and stay on the property of Chick-Fil-A for 24 hours. At 6am if there are more than 100 people there than they have a raffle to see who the "First 100" will be. Hannah was #46 but I got called as an alternate at #103. So that meant if 3 people dropped out I would get the free chick-fil-a. 

Everyone set up tents in the parking lot with camp chairs and air mattresses. And every couple hours the Chick-Fil-A staff lined us up to make sure we were all there. It was annoying but they did feed us all 3 meals and it was DELICIOUS. They also had a bunch of games and a DJ to entertain us. There were a lot of old people dancing to Get Low which kept Hannah and I very entertained. LOL.

On Thursday morning they woke us up at 5 to count us off and only 1 person had dropped out so that meant I was #102. It was lame but they still gave me $24 in gift cards and Hannah and I are splitting the free year of Chick-Fil-A.
So technically we got 6 months of free Chick-Fil-A but it was still  S O  W O R T H  I T.

Sunday, March 30

The End is Near

I have not blogged in {months and months} but I'm getting back into it y'all I promise.
Just kidding I can't promise that this is going to stick.

So since my track at BYU-Idaho is Fall/Spring I have been home in South Carolina for 4 months now.
I have very m i x e d feelings about this. This is my second go around and it has definitely been better than last time!
I work for my parent's cleaning company. It's very glamorous.
I spend my days cleaning, going to the gym, hanging out with Bronson & Laurie and watching Grey's Anatomy. I also spend time each day Facetiming or on the phone with my long distance people. I miss them lots. It's an off day if I have not talked to my favorite people.

It's a simple life but it is a nice break for now.

We start our |cross-country-road-trip| in 2 weeks.
Time has flown in the dirty south but now it is time for the wild west.
This is our 3rd time traveling across the country and I am actually excited for this trip. It's a long but beautiful drive except for Nebraska.
Nebraska is the living worst.

More to come when life gets more interesting.

                                                         -Wisdom Teeth Selfie-

-Yeah, this happens all the time-